Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Hey, Look, Jen Can Blog Again

After a very long absence, and some mix-ups, I am back blogging again. My wrist is back in shape and book club is back in line - and we are reading Assassination Vacation by Sarah Vowell for June 26.

If you haven't picked it up yet, it is a fun, quirky little read - perfect for summer.
Have you ever played that game - if you could invite 3 people, living or dead to a dinner party, who would you invite? I was always able to come up with my first 2 very easily: Eleanor Roosevelt (my personal hero), Terry Gross (the host of NPR Fresh Air). And then I would stall. I couldn't think of a 3rd who I would really wan't to have a conversation with. I think that has now all changed. I think Sarah Vowell would be the dinner party 4th. I think I would enjoy talking about obscur historical events and possible parallel current events with her.
Happy reading, and I can't wait to talk about Assassination Vacation with all of you.

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